5 Ways to Use Food as Medicine

5 Ways to Use Food as Medicine

Good nutrition and what you put into your body is the foundation for good health. “Food is Medicine” as Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine said almost 2400 years ago. He believed that eating wholesome food is the basis for good health...

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Whole Grain Bread Nutrition

Whole Grain Bread Nutrition

Whole grain bread has higher nutritional value than wheat bread In recent years, bread has received a bad rap for being filled with junky carbohydrates and containing little nutritional value. For many breads and baked goods, this reputation is...

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Reading Bread Labels

Reading Bread Labels

In comparing bread ingredient labels, use this judgement : the shorter the ingredient list, the better the bread. The most nutritious bread may be made from only whole wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt, with possibly a touch of molasses and...

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